The analytical solution for a rectangular moderately thick plate on foundation with four edges free was derived by double finite integral transform method. 利用双重有限余弦积分变换的方法推导出了四边固定支承条件下,矩形薄板的固有频率和振型的解析解表达式。
The exact solutions of displacement and inner force for clamped rectangular thick plate were deduced with two-dimension finite integral transform method. 利用二维有限积分变换的方法推导出了四边固支矩形厚板位移和内力的精确解。
Analytical Solution of Clamped Rectangular Thick Plate by Finite Integral Transform Method 四边固支矩形厚板分析的有限积分变换法
On the Reconstruction of Source by Finite Integral Fourier Transform 关于震源函数空间有限化重构问题的探讨
The numeric calculation results showed that the finite integral transform scheme can give satisfactory results and this numeric modeling and migration imaging method can be expected to provide strong means for future studying large-scale seismic wave transmission and imaging theory and for future production. 数值计算结果表明,有限积分变换方案能给出令人满意的结果,这种数值模拟和偏移成像方法,有望为今后的大尺度地震波传播和成像理论研究及生产实践提供强有力的工具。
As examples, the finite integral transform method is successfully applied to analyze two typical classic nonconservative stability problems, Beck's problem and Reut's problem, and several interesting results are obtained. 作为实例,用有限整体转变法成功地分析了两个典型的不可逆稳定性问题。获得了Beck's、和Reut's问题以及一些有趣的结果。
The analytical solution for a rectangular thin plate on foundation with four edges free was derived by the double finite cosine integral transform method. In the analytical process the elastic foundation was regarded as Winkler foundation model. 将弹性地基视为Winkler模型,利用双重有限余弦积分变换的方法推导出了弹性地基上四边自由矩形薄板问题解析解的表达式。
Finite integral transform method for determining gas flow fields in cylinders 有限积分变换法求解汽缸内气体的流动
The paper introduced the general principles using finite integral transform to represent function; 文中介绍了利用有限积分变换表示函数的一般原理;
For allowing to extend the computation interval to any length without any limitation and reducing the dimensions of the questions, the finite integral Fourier transform finite difference method is worth extending and improving. 针对波动方程空间坐标进行有限积分变换的混合域方法(有限积分变换&有限差分方法)所具有的降低问题的维数及变换方向上大尺度延伸的优势很值得进行深入和详细的探讨。
Finite element method combined with integral transform is used to analyze the response of shock-loaded plate in damping medium. 提出了一种有限元结合积分变化的新方法,用以分析无粘性流体介质中,受冲击载荷的圆板的弹塑性响应。
Taken the 2D split-step Fourier migration as an example in the paper, it summed up the basic ideas of seismic migration based on finite integral transform: implementing phase shift for homogeneous background velocity model in transform domain and of non-homogeneous medium in space domain; 文中以二维裂步傅里叶偏移为例,总结了基于有限积分变换的地震波偏移的基本思想:在变换域内进行均匀背景速度模型的相位移动及在空间域内进行非均匀介质的相位移动;